Tuesday, April 29, 2008


I am usually in favor of getting drunk everywhere, all the time. Even if it ends badly, at least you got to be drunk during the bad part. You feel me? But perhaps this completely boring couple (dentist and wife) from this completely boring place (PITTSBURGH) should have just like, had a few less? Fox news tells us:

"The fight started Saturday night after a reception when he knocked her to the floor with a karate kick in the seventh-floor hallway of a Holiday Inn — and escalated when she attacked two guests from another wedding party who came to her aid."

Yes, surprisingly, the man who karate kicked his new bride as they were about to go to bed on the night of their wedding was drunk. Several thrown planters and a night in jail later, the man,
David W. Wielechowski, left jail " alone, sporting a swollen eye, tuxedo pants, a bloody T-shirt and one shoe." That is just so fucking poetic that I want to cry for futility of love all over my philosophy library (which is huge, because I'm a genius).

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